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Celebrating May 1

2009-04-29  Celebrating May 1
May 1st - Labor Day

The 1st of May is traditionally the Labor Day in Russia and Ukraine.
Labor Day emerged as a public holiday during the Soviet Union times.
It is still celebrated, but after the collapse of the communist regime
lost much of its ideological meaning. This holiday has become more a
celebration of triumph of spring and nature.
In the Soviet era, this holiday was widely and actively celebrated
throughout the whole country. It began traditionally with parades.
The nation's most important one took place in Moscow's Red Square.
Demonstrations were held in every city of the Soviet Union, even in
the smallest towns. Everyone wanted to take part in the big
celebration. The participants were holding Soviet flags, placards with
patriotic slogans, and portraits of Communist leaders. Streets were
decorated with red flags and balloons.

Overtime, people have lost interest in May 1st parades. Only some
political parties, as Communist Party, go out to the streets. Today
this holiday is mostly just a good opportunity to go outside,
celebrate the beginning of spring, to visit relatives and friends, or
even take a short vacation, because the next holiday, Victory Day, is
celebrated on May 9th, and sometimes it is possible to combine the two
holidays into one vacation. The best thing about this holiday nowadays
is that it provides a great opportunity to enjoy a picnic in the open

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